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07 March 2022

Clean Energy and WVE confidently working towards a sustainable future

It was 2019 when Clean Energy founder Gert-Jan Klaren knocked on Salesdock's door. It all started with a campaign around FC Emmen. Then the cooperation intensified and other parties joined, including 'Wij Vergelijken Energie' (WVE). We can now speak of a solid bond of trust in which various parties are fully committed to a sustainable future. We spoke with Gert-Jan Klaren (Clean Energy) and Michael Versluis (WVE) about the sustainable future of the stormy energy market.

Gert-Jan, together with his associate Leo Hoenders, founded Clean Energy within the Holthausen Group in 2017. In July of that year, Clean Energy obtained a supply license. Since then, Gert-Jan combines his passion for sustainability with his commercial instinct and helps consumers and small SMEs to sustainable generated energy. The company now employs two consultants, but sells mainly through external partners, such as young entrepreneur Michael Versluis' sales organization WVE. Meanwhile, Gert-Jan has expanded Clean Energy's offerings. "Under the name of Clean Energy Solutions, we support individuals and entrepreneurs with sustainability. Among other things, we advise and facilitate with solar panels and charging stations." WVE is one of the partners with which Clean Energy is taking the next steps towards a sustainable future.

It started in a soccer stadium
The collaboration between Clean Energy and Salesdock began with an online campaign around FC Emmen. "The cooperation went well, both business-wise and personally I immediately had a good click with Mark and Nick from Salesdock." It is no coincidence that the good bond began with a project around a soccer club. The healthy rivalry between Gert-Jan's (FC Emmen), Mark's (Vitesse) and Nick's (FC Twente) clubs is the catalyst for a strong cooperation in which mutual trust is high. Clean Energy's partners, such as WVE, are also happy to join this. Founder Michael (and NEC fan): "We cooperate with Clean Energy in the field of energy supply and sustainability. The special thing is that it actually feels like a partnership with a common ideal." Gert-Jan: "By working together with trust, all parties involved really dare to invest. We take possible risks away from each other, trust is the basis."
Stormy marketplace
One does not have to follow complicated studies to note that the energy market is, to put it mildly, in a stormy situation. "Energy prices shoot up and sometimes fluctuate as much as 10 to 20 percent in a single day," Gert-Jan outlines the situation. "Through Salesdock, I can update prices in real time for all partners." The days when customers were convinced about a deal with lower energy prices seem to be over for now. "Switching is now often less attractive because it does not result in a lower energy price, which is why it is now important now to help our customers save energy and help them with sustainable solutions." The sustainable and economic incentive are now coming together, and that's right up Clean Energy's alley. "This is exactly why cooperation with sustainability-focused partners is crucial right now," Gert-Jan points out to WVE. Michael concurs: "We know what we have in common. This gives us more security at this particular time."
A green future
Clean Energy Solutions and WVE are currently using Salesdock's new "solar panel flow" and "charging station flow. "These flows allow more and more partners to connect and that gives us the opportunity to scale up considerably," Gert-Jan explains. Development is not standing still on Clean Energy Solutions' side. Green roofs are the next great initiative added to the portfolio. Another great step towards an even greener future.
"In terms of technology, I don't think there is a better platform within our industry to create orders and collaborate, at least not one that is as clear and simple."
Michael Versluis, WVE

Salesdock is in constant dialogue with Clean Energy, WVE and other users to continually optimize flows. Michael is also enthusiastic: "In terms of technology, I don't think there is a better platform within our industry to create orders and collaborate, at least not one that is as clear and simple. If we don't understand something, there's a knowledge base where everything can be found from A to Z, if we don't get there then there's always someone there for us almost immediately." This is how rival soccer fans work together fraternally to get the commercial side of the energy transition on the right track. And as a result, everyone wins in the end.

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